UV Decal Transfer Film (UV DTF)
If you’re in the business of printing promotional merchandise and have had to turn away business, because you couldn’t print directly to a certain type of product. Or, if you’re looking for a way to enhance the appearance and value of an ordinary promotional item. Magic Film is the answer.
IMPORTANT! Quality and Durability of the UV Transfer Decal produced is determined by several factors. The most important factor is, that you have a UV Flatbed Printer and Compatible Ink Sets installed. Inks required are, Gloss Clear/(Varnish), White, C, M, Y, K (See Printers, Ink Sets, and Layering Instructions).
Our video and information provided, regarding the use and application of Magic Film is for reference only. We do not intend to portray this process as being oversimplified. There are subtle nuances in working with Magic Film, and we are committed to supplying you as much information as possible to make your experience using our products a positive one.
Bring Your Awesome Design To Life
Central Chemical and Service supplies the highest quality products available to Printing and Pre-Press Graphic Professionals. We are dedicated to helping you achieve extraordinary results for your most demanding projects. We also make available, economical product alternatives that are also capable of getting the job done. We offer free consultation to help you make the decision on which product best fits your needs.