Are Transfer Decals Dishwasher Safe.
This is the most often asked question. Yes. Transfer Decals have proven to be dishwasher safe. Many applications have successfully gone through 100+ dishwashing cycles. Successful applications were achieved on acrylic, plastic, ceramic, metal, and glass surfaces. However, some glassware applications have not been successful. Glass has unique properties that affect the adhesion. Since there’s a plethora of glass suppliers and compositions, the only way to determine if your glass will pass, is to run a live test. If the decal fails to adhere, there’s a variety of methods in treating glass surfaces to accept Digital Inks and Label/Decal Adhesives.
Glass Adhesion Promoters, are available by Marabu North America LP, who are leaders in supplying adhesion solutions for, glass, plastic, and metal surfaces. If interested. Contact a technical representative who can help answer any questions you may have about your application.